Thursday, October 11, 2012

The difference between winning and succeeding

John Wooden, a very successful basketball coach that once coached at UCLA for several years, states in this video that "You can lose when you outscore somebody in a game. And you can win when you’re outscored.” I think this relates to my blog because what he is saying is you can learn from your failures and hurtles become a better competator. My blog is all about picking my self up and keeping my cool even when things with basketball don't go my way. I learn to succeed by my failures and by doing this I become a better player and person on and off the court. Nobody is perfect,  because life isn't perfect and basketball is an imperfect game. I hope that one day I can be as successful as John wooden and wise as him so I can spread what I have learned to my peers and children as what ever path they choose in life they know that failing is just apart of the journey to success

Thursday, October 4, 2012