
Giovanny thompson

Professor Kelly

English 120 12:40-2:00

September 3, 2012

                                                                        Journal #1

In chapter one of our book, it starts off talking about using personal narratives to help you write a paper. When you use narratives to write a paper you have to have some organization, understand your audience and most importantly get to the point.

I love writing personal narratives because I feel it is a lot easier to write about something that has affected you personally than something you know nothing about. Telling a story is very simple you have to have a beginning, a rise to your climax, a climax and then a resolution.  This is the best way to organize your personal narrative it makes your story make sense. Without organization nobody will understand what you are trying to say and then you have lost your audience.

When telling a personal narrative you must know who you are talking to. There is a difference than telling a story through a text message and writing a paper for a professor or peer in a class. It needs to be formal and follow the formula of organization. If you’re free writing then it is fine to be not as formal

Another topic chapter one went over was when writing a personal narrative is that you have to get to the point when writing a paper. Getting to the point of the paper is important because then you can lose your audience by not doing that.  When I tell a story I always want to get to the point because I don’t want the person that is willing to read my story to become not interested in what I’m saying.

Chapter one has some very interesting topics, that I think can make me a more insightful writer and I’m sure chapter two will have the same impact.

   September 6, 2012
                                                                        Journal # 2

            Chapter two talks about reports and how we have been doing reports since the beginning of grade school.  I remember going to the library many times and learning about doing citations using encyclopedias and eventually using websites and source material for my research papers. We still continue writing reports now I think that even though they are harder that I still have a general understanding on how to write a research paper. 

After you decide what topic you’re going to write about you have to do the research and look up credible information. You must use a formal style when writing a research paper and it must be “ free of emotional language that might make it sound like arguments.” This means that your paper shouldn’t be biased. When choosing a topic to write about make sure it’s something you really like and will come most easy to you. Chapter two talked about something I have done since grade school and I feel it explained information and tips I already know regarding research papers.

  September 10, 2012


Journal # 3

Chapter two talks about arguments and how they start. An argument can come from anything like a bad remark about someone or observation. This chapter also talks about how students write pieces that talk about being for or against an argument. Brainstorming is important in writing a paper when you are for or against something because it will help you better structure your paper and which facts will stand out more. Showing facts can strengthen your paper like a chart or a photo to grab the audiences’ opinion. We did a class assignment to this when we wrote our reader responses.
  September 17, 2012

                                                            Journals # 4

"Evaluations and reviews are so much a part of our lives that your might notice them only when they are specifically assigned. Commentary and criticism of all sorts just happen." This is very true because we are always judging others and talking about people in good ways and in bad. We are constantly evaluating the way people dress, the way people act and the way others act towards each other. I feel that being on a basketball team that evaluating my peers play is just a part of the game and it is natural for others in a group to talk about the other group mates. I notice that every time I play I have something to give back to others if I see them doing something wrong for the betterment of the team.
September 25, 2012

                                                            Journal # 5

Chapter five and six talk about analyzing. Analyzing is best used when trying to find solutions to problems. When you analyze you want to go over everything in your mind and solve issues using your reasoning. This is very common in people’s lives and they use it every day. When we are on YouTube or a blog you are constantly analyzing what you are reading or watching people don’t usually notice when they do this. It seems that analyzing is just a natural function because we want to know or we think we know.

 October 1, 2012

                                                            Journal # 6

In chapter 43 and 47 it talks about citing you work and finding reliable websites to use in your essay papers. Avoid just copying and pasting websites that don’t have .edu or .org because there is a high chance that website isn’t very reliable or credible. Using quotations citing the information you use is the best way to avoid plagiarism. I feel that in this chapter using websites in your papers are very important to writing process but you must find the right sites to use. Using the internet is a great tool when writing an essay for it provides more information and is easier to use than going to a library.

October 8, 2012                                                           

Journal # 7

In chapters thirty through forty-five the book talks about writing paragraphs, transitions, conclusions, introductions, and also titles. These are all needed when writing a proper essay. Structuring your paper is very important and having smooth transitions between paragraphs is a must. Taking your last sentence to talk about what the next paragraph is a about can help the flow of your paper. It is important to have a strong title and introductions because if you didn’t who would know what you are talking about and what your paper is about. You want your audience interested all the way to the end and by time they get to the end the paper needs to end on a good strong note. When writing your conclusion makes sure you restate your thesis and summarize the reason why you wrote the paper.




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